Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Jim Easton Remembered by Thousands in Vegas

Archery icon Jim Easton, who passed away in December of 2023, was honored and remembered at the culmination of the world’s largest archery event- the 2024 Vegas Shoot Shootdown- on Sunday February 4th.

A standing room only crowd of over 6500 spectators put aside brand rivalries and came together to express their appreciation and respect for a man who has done more to advance the modern state of the sport than any other, with a moment of silence, and a celebration of Jim’s life.

With nearly 4500 participants, the 2023 Vegas Shoot set an all-time record for attendance, and Team Easton shooters took the vast majority of podiums, including the showcase Open shootdown for $58,000 dollars, taken by Denmark Team Easton archer Matthias Fullerton. It also saw Brady Ellison take his tenth Vegas Shoot title in Men’s recurve.