Tuesday, May 3, 2022

QUWF Central Oregon Chapter Increases QUWF College of the Ozarks Endowment

Buffalo, MO: Knowing the critical need for professionals in the wildlife management and conservation leadership roles, the Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF) began the Endowment Fund with the College of the Ozarks (C of O) to assist students in the wildlife management and conservation curriculums obtain their college educations. C of O is one of the very few Christian Colleges where-in the students work all four years of their education and graduate debt free. “’We are exceptionally proud to announce our Oregon Chapter has contributed a good amount adding to the QUWF Endowment Fund which will provide ongoing assistant to students now and into the future. This ever-growing perpetual fund helps provide financial support to the students from tuition, books and supplies to food and dormitory expenses. Hard Work U, as it is known, selects deserving students from rural farming communities who already have a strong connection to the land, family values, ethics and integrity, faith and a respect for patriotism so desperately needed today” Craig states.

“We work hard in our very active chapter on a multitude of wildlife projects affecting many species all year. We also know the importance of finding the right people with the right core principles to carry on the local and national work we do at QUWF. College of the Ozarks provides that platform in an exceptional way and is open for all areas of rural America to apply” says John Crafton, Chair and Habitat Project leader for the chapter.

It is a great indicator of the College’s efforts when they were just selected as the Number 1 BEST Christian College in the United States. The College further ranked 9th overall Best Colleges in the Midwest of all colleges.

QUWF also utilizes C of O students as interns to help design and implement social media outreach for wildlife habitat, clean streams and local grass roots activation. “These are some of the greatest kids you will ever meet and dedicated to working hard at any task. Who better to tell the conservation and wildlife story but the new stewards of the resources? They are what our country is all about, it is a great pleasure to help them on their career paths” concludes Alderman.

About QUWF:

The Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation (QUWF), is the only Veteran founded and managed national conservation organization in the U.S., and the only multi-specie and clean stream national organization including youth fishing teams, based in Missouri. QUWF “turns-the-dirt™” locally and nationally focusing on private landowners with chapters that manage and control their own funds. To join QUWF, get involved or open a chapter locally for upland wildlife and habitat restoration/ clean streams or the new youth fishing teams, visit our web site at www.quwf.net or email ADMIN@quwf.net. QUWF is a proud Conservation Partner of the Bass Pro Shop Cabela’s Outdoor Fund, a member of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and an Endowment Partner with the College of the Ozarks.

“Preserve the Land and Clean Streams….Build the Habitat….Hunt and Fish for Generations” with QUWF