Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Magnificent USA Scoop A Table-topping 24 Medals At The Youth And Masters Pan American Championships

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador – The USA team at the 2024 Youth and Masters Pan American Championships began the event with five championship records and finished at the top of the medals table with an incredible haul of 12 gold, eight silver and four bronze.

The medal rush began on Friday with gold for Elliot Choi and Liam Lee in the recurve U15 men’s team event, and finally ended on Sunday with silver for Matthew Parmenter in the recurve U18 men.

In between, there was compound U18 mixed team gold for Savannah O’Donohue and Andrew Xie, recurve 50+ mixed team gold for Janis Grellner and Michael Rossiter, and individual gold for Liam Lee (recurve U15 men), Kenneth Brunko (compound 50+ men), Carrie Lin (compound 50+ women), Elijah Hillensbeck (barebow U21 men), Anastacia Godman (barebow U21 women), Ethan Mitchell (barebow U18 men), Riley Adams (barebow U18 women), Garbiel Urgelles (barebow U15 women) and Cheri Gandy (barebow 50+ women).

The USA claimed nine of the 23 individual gold medals on offer and a third of the total number of gold medals handed out in San Salvador.

Among those to win multiple medals, Lee returns home with two golds, O’Donohue, Xie and Grellner all picked up a gold and a silver, and Choi a gold and a bronze.