Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Zeiss Sports Optics and Firenock LLC Partner with Professional Archer and Bowhunter Tony Warden.

ZEISS - Founded 165 years ago as a small workshop for optics and precision engineering, the company and name Carl Zeiss, have an international reputation for innovation and cutting-edge technology in all fields of optics. The products combine technical precision and functional design in equal measure. They are reliable tools as well as being the key to intense experiences in the hands of discriminating customers.

FIRENOCK LLC - For well over a decade, Firenock has been producing the most technologically advanced archery accessories in the industry. They have over 20 patents and is true to their trade mark “The Science of Archery”. President and Owner of Firenock Dorge Huang believes “If we can’t make a significant improvement in the way an archery product is made, we won’t build it”. From their flagship Firenock lighted nocks to Aerovanes to their Concept 2.0 arrows, Firenock continues to set the standard in the industry.

Tony Warden is a 2 times World and 15 times Canadian national archery champion, an accomplished bowhunter and has been shooting bow and gun for over 50 years. “My wife and I travel across the globe representing our country and our sponsors at tournaments and bowhunting. We rely on our equipment to be able to withstand our grueling schedule and perform at peak levels under many different scenarios. That’s why we only trust Zeiss for our optics and Firenock for our archery accessories. I learned a long time ago that you need to have the best products available if you want to succeed. I believe that both Zeiss and Firenock are at the pinnacle of their industries”.

For more information on Zeiss Sports Optics go to www.zeiss.com/sports-optics/en_de/home.html and for Firenock, go to www.firenock.com. Tony can be reached at awarden@wardens.ca