Oct 16, 2018

Housekeeping Items

Hey Friends, a few housekeeping items for you to stay current…

  • Please don’t send me 10 meg photos. I travel quite a bit – they are horrible to download to my computer and conversely, they are horrible to upload to the backend team for the wires. Keep it to 1MB or less. I use http://jpegmini.com to reduce images and still keep their quality.
  • I would LOVE if you have multiple releases to send them as separate emails with their own, corresponding photos. Asking me to ‘guess’ which photo goes with which release when you send them as a jumbled mess in an email is seriously asking for trouble. I’ll do my best, but don’t expect perfection.
  • Also, how many photos does one really need to send with a release? Ponder on that….I say two max.
  • I love it when you include instructions. Being clear is the best way to go!
  • And on the above, you can send me little notes, too, like “Hey Michelle, how’s it going?” You know, stuff showing me that you aren’t a robot and that you read the wires :)


Archery Wire is on Instagram! Follow us at http://instagram.com/archerywire I’ll post what I think are the hot announcements of the week. Please give us a “follow.” You might be wondering how I’ll choose which announcements to highlight on the IG feed. Two requirements: good photo and interesting news. Company logos don’t count. I’ll never post a company logo – who is going to give that a “like?” No one.

I’m hosting a roundtable of sorts during ATA Show on social media on Friday, January 11 beginning at 4 pm. Its part of ATA’s “Coffee Talk” series. I’m not speaking at anyone, its a roundtable for you to join in and share what’s working/not working, bring your questions and let’s all help one another out. ATA and I will have more on this later.

Are you considering having your company join the Wire family? You should! The ATA show and 2019 are literally around the corner. Contact me for details on pricing for the remainder of ’18 going into ’19.

Finally, I’m writing a feature on books whose characters who are bowhunters or archers. Either fiction or non-fiction. If you have a suggestion, please contact me. (Thanks to Kim for this idea!)

-Michelle Scheuermann, editor, Archery Wire