Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Getting The Most Out Of Your Chestnut Hill Food Plot Trees

Anyone who has hunting land that includes old homestead fruit trees or an abandoned orchard knows that those trees are magnets to a vast range of game animals and birds.

Unfortunately for hunters and wildlife alike, old orchards are extremely uncommon. Most hunting properties have no producing fruit trees.

But if you manage land for hunting or simply to improve the habitat for wildlife, then with a little planning and some help from the experts at Chestnut Hill Outdoors, you can put in your own food plot trees.

You can decide the mix of trees that makes sense for your land - apples, pears, persimmons or even the blight-resistant, high-protein Dunstan Chestnut tree - and Chestnut Hill can provide tree varieties that have been developed to do well in your climate and growing zone. The trees you establish can improve the land for half a century or longer.

Aside from hardy strains of trees, Chestnut Hill also brings decades of experience successfully growing and developing orchards and helping their customers do the same. Even if you are not experienced in tree planting, Chestnut Hill can provide you with advice that is proven to work. They can explain not only what to do to care for your new young trees, but why you should do it that way.

For example, spring is a good time to plant young trees. All trees should be watered at first, and then periodically depending on local rains. Chestnut Hill notes, however, that fertilizing trees depends on a greater number of factors. Young bare-root or 1-year-old potted trees should not be fertilized for a year after planting because fertilizers can burn the young roots before the tree can establish itself.

For 2-year or older trees, however, Chestnut Hill experts advise waiting at least two months for trees planted in spring, then using a time-release fertilizer. The fertilizer is simply spread it under the canopy of the tree while leaving a 5-inch area around the trunk.

Established trees can be fertilized in the early spring (March through April, depending on which climate zone you are in) and then again in early June. The idea is to give your trees access to everything they need as they begin to come out of dormancy and begin to grow in the spring and summer.

Establishing trees as a food source for generations of game is not difficult with the guidance and decades of experience the Chestnut Hill Outdoors brings to the table. This year, resolve to improve your hunting and your land for the long term with Chestnut Hill fruit and chestnut trees. Your future self - and future generations - will be glad you did.

For more tips on the best food plot trees for your property and guides for planting and caring for both fruit and nut trees (including a video showing the experts planting trees), check out the Chestnut Hill Nursery & Orchards web site at www.chestnuthilltreefarm.com or www.chestnuthilloutdoors.com.